“Beautiful Decay”

(This amazing photo is not mine. I thank  Lost In Pixels for allowing me to use the image.)

Beautiful Decay

her fingers
soft, delicate things
drift over a crumbling stair
caress aged boards
as if they could not spoil that touch forever
marring that beauty
with their coarse surface
that she loves

Written to answer two challenges this week. First, a response to Trifectra, which challenges us to write between 33 and 330 words, using the third definition of the word of the week, in this case “decay: 3: to fall into ruin“.

Second, this also answers the Sunday Scribblings prompt of ‘Strange Bedfellows’, combining age and beauty.

9 thoughts on ““Beautiful Decay”

  1. It seems that she and the boards are almost a part of each other. Everything about it feels old. ‘Marring’ is one of my favourite words, so thank you for using it 😀

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