
I want you to take me to the carnival. I want
to stand at your side as you win me a giant
stuffed turtle. I want to squeal with delight as
you hurl darts into balloons, or swing a
sledgehammer and ring a bell. I know you can.

I want to wander the midway, arm in arm
and drag you over to the fried dough cart,
bouncing on my toes as I plead for a piece.

I want to sit astride a brightly painted
carousel horse with you standing at my side;
and maybe, just maybe, you’ll climb onto the
horse beside me, and see what all the fuss
is about.

I want you to drag me onto a roller coaster,
even though I fear their speed. I want to scream
and clutch to you as we loop and turn. I want
to stumble away giggling, glaring at you
for making me ride, but secretly, I’ll thank you.

I want to explore every inch of the grounds
then sneak off to a quiet corner, fingers
twined with yours. I want to steal a kiss, then
another, and bask in the glow of the carnival
lights with you.

Over at Poets United we’ve been treated with an interview with the artist Fabiola D’Antuono. To go along with this, they have asked us to write about a carnival for Think Tank Thursday.

12 thoughts on ““Midway”

  1. Enchanting and so fun~ This reminds me of my first carnival with no parents~
    I loved all the images you shared, just enough so our own memories can dance! 😀

  2. Ah, yes, this poem shows, I think, why carnivals are so popular. It is not only the rides or the games but the favorite guy or girl one goes WITH to the carnival. Your poem definitely tweaked my own memories…of a simpler time before I thought that carnivals were kind of sleazy. (LOL)

  3. Ah yes, going to the carnival with a special person! One of those wonderful things of youth I think–or maybe just younger than I am now! Nice write with good feeling.

  4. There was a major discussion today about the use (and dangers) of using photographs on FB today… having said that the photo here is beautiful and I noticed another poet used the same- if you feel comfortable could you tell me what site you are using for photos? drpkp@aol.com

    • I actually just do a Google image search and pick one that appeals to me. I suppose I aught to be more diligent about crediting the source though.

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